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Panel discussion on June 29: Reproductive justice and abortions

Kadiatou Diallo (Project Leader Space2groW Berlin) will be on the panel on June 29 at 7 p.m. on the topic "Reproductive Justice and Abortion. Perspectives on Self-Determination".

Cornelia Möhring (Member of the German Parliament, Die Linke), Susanne Kahl-Passoth (Chairwoman of Protestant Women, Deputy Chairwoman of the German Women's Council) and Ulrike Haase (Netzwerk behinderter Frauen Berlin e.V.) will also be present.

"The ban on abortions has existed in Germany for 150 years. And resistance to it for just as long. Feminists and their allies are demanding more rights of self-determination and easy, safe access to abortions. But is that enough? In a society marked by inequality and injustice, legal barriers are not the only constraints. Income, background, physical condition play a role for many in deciding for or against a life with children. Decisions do not take place in a vacuum, but within social conditions. They can be changed - but how?

So what do we mean when we talk about self-determination? And do we mean the same thing? We want to bring different perspectives on these questions into conversation and, based on a shared desire to improve care around abortion, discuss different foci and approaches for change toward greater justice."

We look forward to an exciting discussion at the Münzenberg Forum, which you can watch online via YouTube livestream!

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